It is estimated that about 10% of the population is left-handed. In this post, I share tips for left handed brush lettering.
I am not left handed myself, but since I teach brush lettering, I wanted to do research and help my left handed students succeed!
Typically, as a left handed writer, you’ll be one of the following:
- An overwriter (curlers)
- A side-writer (horizontal)
- An underwriter (non-curlers)
From the research I did, it seems that when using a brush pen, left-handed lettering artists tend to be side-writers or underwriters. But experiment and find what works best for you.
Also, try many different angles of the paper. When working in a spiral-bound book, consider changing the direction of the paper so the spiral is at the top. Or use a flat piece of paper.
How to Avoid Smudging the Ink with Left Handed Brush Lettering
When using a brush pen as a side-writer, try holding the brush pen about one inch from the tip. This gives the ink time to dry before your hand touches it.
Instead of resting your hand on the paper, try tilting your hand upward at the wrist 30 degrees so that your pinky finger isn’t touching the paper at all. This will prevent your hand from smudging the ink.
You can see an example of this in the images below:
Some lettering artists use tracing paper under their hand when writing to avoid smudging or they go really slow and allow the ink to dry. But, if you’re working on an iPad, smudging won’t be an issue!
For example, my friend, Krystal Whitten, is a left-handed lettering artist and does a lot of her work on the iPad.
Video Demonstrations For Left Handed Brush Lettering
I found this video very helpful from Jessie Chen on left handed brush lettering.
Here is another short demonstration from Lauren Fitzmaurice, who is a side-writer with her hand at about a 30-degree angle to avoid smudging.
Resources for Left Handed Brush Lettering
Helpful blog post by Funda of @honeydarko:
Instagram Artists:
Watching how others create their artwork can be helpful. Here are several left-handed brush lettering artists you can follow on Instagram.
- Jessie Chen:
- Krystal Whitten:
- Funda:
- Lauren Fitzmaurice:
- Mhelanie Hernandez:
Your Thoughts?
What works best for you? Share your best tips for left-handed brush lettering in the comments below to help other artists like yourself.
Want to learn brush lettering? Download my free “Brush Lettering for Beginners” guide (10-page PDF) for free in my bonus library here:
Great website! finally for left handed! merci!
Yay! You’re very welcome.