Welcome to another episode of my Brush Alphabet Lettering series. In today’s video, we will learn and practice how to letter the lowercase “e”.
I’m using the lettering practice sheet from my Brush Strokes Workbook to demonstrate how to letter lowercase “d” and I’m using the Tombow Fudenosuke hard pen.
Today’s quote is from James Stephens. I personally love this quote.
“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”
Courage and bravery will give you the strength to try something new, but curiosity is like the spark that kindles the drive in you to start that journey into the unknown.
So let’s be curious together and learn something new today. Let’s learn the lowercase “e” together!
Tips for Brush Lettering
Focus on breathing and going slow. The slower you go, the better you will be able to focus on the transition between the thick and thin strokes of your letter.
One of the differences between calligraphy and handwriting is that in calligraphy you pick up your pen between each stroke.
Don’t worry about getting it perfect. You will see progress when you practice consistently even if for just a few minutes per day.
There’s no right or wrong when using modern calligraphy and brush lettering. You have the freedom to create your own style.
I also recommend watching my video on how to hold a brush pen here: https://yourcreativeadventure.com/how-to-hold-a-brush-pen/
Brush Lettering Resources
Download my free Brush Lettering for Beginners Guide (PDF) here: https://yourcreativeadventure.com/brushlettering/
Get your copy of my Brush Strokes Workbook here: https://yourcreativeadventure.com/workbook/
You can see the pens I recommend for beginners in this post: https://yourcreativeadventure.com/brush-lettering-pens/